Hey Kickin’ Fans! I’m excited to return to South Dakota after living in Los Angeles for the past seven years. Right after college, I moved to LA for an internship at Entertainment Tonight/The Insider, where I later worked as a personal assistant in their wardrobe department. After discovering that wardrobe wasn’t my forte, I quickly decided I wanted to pursue acting and TV hosting, a lifelong dream of mine. Altogether I’ve worked on over 200 TV shows/movies or commercials as either an actress, double, stand-in, background actor or cheerleader/dancer. Some of my favorites include having a guest starring role on both Nickelodeon’s “iCarly” and “Sam and Cat,” body doubling Selena Gomez on her Disney TV show, (and providing advice to her during the Bieber breakup – how surreal!) starring in a Mike Posner/Cris Cab music video (“Colors”) playing a Cheerio cheerleader on “Glee,” and standing-in for actresses Ariana Grande, Miranda Cosgrove, Lily Collins, Molly Shannon and so-on. Although I had some great experiences in LA, I’m happy to be back in the Midwest! I briefly worked as an intern with Trav on Hot 104.7 about nine years ago. It’s fun to be back on-air with him, although I still owe him revenge for forcing me to play “Snakes on an Intern” in the studio. Yes, that was with real slithering snakes. Let me know if you have any fun ideas for that. I’m excited about this opportunity and pumped to Kick It with you every morning! P.S. I really enjoy power tools, otters and kickin’ butt at Mario Kart on N64.