Whether you know it as Cornhole, Tailgate, Bean Bag Toss, Doghouse, Baggo or simply Bags, this fun, easy to play game can be played by outdoor lovers of all ages. But if you want to take your skills to the next level and you think you have what it takes to be a champion, enter the TAPPS Bean Bag Tournament in Tea, South Dakota on Saturday, June 20, 2015 as part of the annual Teapot Days Celebration.

Cost to register your two-person team is $40 (If registering BEFORE Thursday, June 11, 2015. After June 11, cost to register a team is $50).  Cash prizes will be paid on tournament day.  Only the first 48 teams registered are guaranteed a spot.  This double-elimination tournament will be held rain or shine and all registration fees are non-refundable.  Proceeds from the tournament will benefit TAPPS, the Tea Area Parents for Prom Safety.

Teams will need to be checked in by 12:30PM on Saturday, June 20, with the Bean Bag Tournament beginning at 1:00PM at the Tea City Park on the basketball court.  No outside coolers will be allowed, but a beer garden will be available.  Questions can be emailed to Jenn Heien at jheien@juno.com.

Pick your team's name and register by using this 2015 Teapot Days Bean Bag Tournament registration form.


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