Texas Billionaire Jerry Jones Admits to Eating Odd Part of Wildlife
Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, admitted on the radio that he once ate an odd portion of a squirrel.
The Texas billionaire has a weekly radio show on 105.3 The Fan and while much of the show is centered around the Dallas Cowboys, occasionally the conversation turns towards Jerry's personal life.
Growing up in Arkansas, Jones and his family often ate wildlife at the dinner table, and apparently, squirrel was a favorite.
Many who eat wildlife say that squirrel meat is a favorite, but did you know that some people even consume the brains of squirrels? I was aware of it, but I never knew that Jerry Jones was a fan of squirrel brains.
While talking to the hosts on the radio show, Jones admitted that when his mother served him and his family squirrel, he would often go for the brains of the squirrel, in Jerry's words it was delicious.
I know that this may sound a bit disturbing or exotic to some, but this is not the first time I have heard someone say that the brain portion of the animal is delicious. I am just shocked that Jerry Jones ate the brains of squirrels as a kid.
Then again, Jerry did not grow up rich and his family did live off the land.
Take a listen to Jerry Jones admitting to enjoying squirrel brains as a kid, after announcing he also loved the taste of raccoon.
As you may expect the internet is not letting this admission go by the waster side and some are having a lot of fun after Jerry's admission on air.