Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. It's not about buying a ton of presents and shopping.  At our gatherings, we usually gather at my cousins in Princeton, watch football, and bring a little something to share. I'm also thankful for my cousin and her husband for always opening their home to family and friends each year. We sometimes hang out long enough to play a few games of trivia.

One of the items on Gina's menu each year is croissants. There's a selection of breads, but croissants are always on the table. I will have to tell her that this year, we might need to get ours a little early or there might not be any on our Thanksgiving table.


Costco has announced a recall of its signature Kirkland Butter Croissants. Costco sent a letter to its customers stating that there was a potential contamination with foreign materials. They are removing all butter croissants from their shelves nationwide and offering refunds to customers who have already purchased them.

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Costco shoppers can, however, take advantage of their Thanksgiving Kit, which comes with all the fixings to serve eight people for under $200.

The Costco Thanksgiving Kit doesn't include croissants, but it does include dinner rolls. The bad news? If you haven't ordered your Fortune Gourmet Thanksgiving Dinner kit yet, it's probably too late. You needed to pre-order by November 5th to guarantee delivery between November 8th and 17th, as shipping takes approximately 2-3 business days. But if you want to try, maybe it will still make it.

If it's croissants that make your world go round, you'll need to make a visit to another grocery chain this Thanksgiving season.

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