Lookin' for a FightLookin' for a FightIt is finally here! Dana White's Lookin' for a Fight from Sioux Falls is on YouTube and his camping experience is worth every second.Jerry PalleschiJerry Palleschi
Lookin' for a FightLookin' for a FightDana White was recently in Sioux Falls for the last RFA event at the Sanford Pentagon. White spent time camping and was amazed by how much South Dakota likes Mixed Martial Arts.Jerry PalleschiJerry Palleschi
McGregor Talks about the UFCMcGregor Talks about the UFCNow McGregor is opening up about being left out of UFC 200 and his feelings toward the UFC.Jeff ThurnJeff Thurn
UFC Is Coming to Sioux FallsUFC Is Coming to Sioux FallsUFC Fight Night 91 will be in Sioux Falls on July 13th at the Denny Sanford Premier Center.Jeff ThurnJeff Thurn