Off the top of my head, I can think of three ways to deal with a nuisance bug on a futon that would not involve leaving people homeless. This guy did not think of one of those.
It is not uncommon for someone to play a prank on a friend by going into their house and moving furniture or drawer contents around. Doing that to one's former employer is not so common, or plausible.
When someone makes you really angry it's easy to want to get revenge. A "Before He Cheats" style of passive-aggressive vandalism is always a favorite among those enraged at someone who is not around but their vehicle is.
You ever do something you really regret? But you regret it even more after you were warned of what would happen but you did it anyway? That happened to an Iowa man on Wednesday.
An Iowa man was arrested on Saturday night in Sheldon and hit with a litany of charges after he called 911 because he said he was too drunk to ride his bicycle.
Riding on a kid-sized bicycle is a silly thing to do. It might even be fun, even if you fall down. But if you do it on the wrong type of kid-sized vehicle you might end up going to jail in Iowa.