
Super Bowl Odds
Super Bowl Odds
Super Bowl Odds
The Patriots stumble into the playoffs losing four of six, yet they sit along side the Panthers and Cardinals as 9-2 favorites to win Super Bowl 50.
Pads for Props
Pads for Props
Pads for Props
Rob Gronkowski, actor? The Pro Bowl tight end was a guest on Season 10 of CW's Whose Line is it Anyway, which aired on Monday June 2nd. Gronkowski put himself under the spotlight and tested his improv skills against some of the best in business...
Brady a Underdog?
Brady a Underdog?
Brady a Underdog?
On this morning, one of the headlines and story lines is that Tom Brady and the Patriots are embracing the underdog role as they prepare for their game v. the Broncos on Sunday. Although Manning and the Broncos are the team this year setting Brady like records, Tom has been down this road before and has 3 Super Bowl rings to prove it...