4th of July Hot Dogs in South Dakota & Minnesota Are NOT Created Equal
All dogs are not created equal. But, a wiener or Frankfurter can be life-changing! Just ask any 4th of July Master Griller who has 2.5 children.
Most kids aren't particular when it comes to hot dogs. Grill'em up, dunk in ketchup, and everyone's happy.
I'm sure you'll agree that there are just as many ways to enjoy a hot dog as there is a burger. Well, almost.
However you refer to the mystery meat in a tube that America can't live without during a 4th of July barbeque or while watching a baseball game, I know the one thing that will make it taste better. Mustard!
While you do your family grocery shopping one thing that is overlooked is looking at the labels on these packages. I know hot dogs get a bad rap from time to time but OMG! It may be pork, it may be beef. And, a whole bunch of other stuff:
Full disclosure, given the choice of a hot dog or a brat, I'm leaning toward the brat.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around a hot dog made with beef, turkey, chicken, or pork, with a sheep casing. Good grief the whole damn barnyard got an invitation.
I've found that there are very few of these tube steaks that are just one meat. And, that not all are from Minnesota or South Dakota.
When I go to a Minnesota Twins game the first thing I order is the Schweigert™ Meats Twins Big Dog all-beef, quarter-pound hot dog. Lathered in mustard and relish. These babies are produced just down the Interstate in Albert Lee. They also double as the official tailgate dog of the Minnesota Vikings.
In our house, we've always liked an all-beef hot dog. And I found one that we still like today from the Renner Corner Meats just a few miles north of Sioux Falls on Highway-115.
A Minneapolis staple for meats is Kramarczuk's. Old-world flavor with a rich history. And, still made from scratch! This is one of the most popular and respected places to buy any meat stuffed in a casing.
Another brand you hear a lot about in Minnesota is Sheboygan Sausage Company. They happen to be in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. These wieners are really pumped up and are really into sports:
-All Beef Quarterback Dog
-Beef Cheddar & Jalapeno Hat Trick Dog
-Beef & Cheddar MVP Dog
-All Beef Stadium Dog
Sabrett claims to be New York's #1 hot dog. And, the official Frankfurter of Madison Square Garden.
Review: Craig Desiato
5.0 out of 5 stars Best Hot Dog EVER!
Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2022:
"My husband is from New Jersey and said these were the best hot dogs ever. I just kind of rolled my eyes but then he was able to order them through Amazon. He was not exaggerating at all..... DELICIOUS!"
Vienna® Beef Natural Casing Hot Dog - I like this one. And, what a nostalgic story. Made in Chicago.
"unique hot dog creation with a "salad on top"
Keivn L. Rasmussen - 5.0 out of 5 stars - The quality, taste, and that snap when you bite into the dog It takes me back to my childhood. These dogs are just so far and above anything offered for sale at any of the grocery stores in my small hometown.
Sidebar: Did you know that the Oscar Mayer Classic Uncured Wieners are made with turkey, chicken, and pork?
Remember to pack the dogs while you enjoy your backyard barbeques and summer camping.
I almost forgot. Another frightening alternative is the corndog. Do we really need to go there?
NO Hot Dog
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