Resident Pheasant Opener This Weekend in South Dakota
Pheasant hunting is partially back this weekend in South Dakota.
The 3-day resident only pheasant season starts Saturday October 13 and goes through Monday October 15. The resident only season is restricted to public land only. No pheasant hunting is allowed on private land during this season.
Road hunting is only allowed on public rights of way adjacent to public lands.
You also are required to use non-toxic shot in most public hunting areas except for CREP, walk-in areas, national forest service land and national grasslands. (Page 43 in hunting handbook.)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Production Areas, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land adjacent to the Missouri River. U.S. Forest Service National Grasslands. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation land. State School and Public Lands. State parks, recreation areas, and lakeside use areas. GFP managed or leased property otherwise open to public hunting, including Game Production Areas open during the regular pheasant season. GFP managed and leased property designated as Walk-in Areas and land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP).
Hunting on public road rights of way is limited to those contiguous to and a part of public hunting lands open for hunting.
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