Check out this video of all the wild animals that used a hiking trail over the course of 1 year in the Northwoods of Minnesota when people weren’t on it!

I've spent a lot of time hiking and canoeing in the Minnesota wilderness. I am in love with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Voyageurs National Park on the border of Minnesota and Canada.

I've been fortunate to have many wildlife encounters with deer, moose, bear, beaver, wolves, and many more amazing Northwoods creatures.

I recently came across this amazing wildlife video tweeted out by The Voyageurs Wolf Project and it warmed my heart.

The Voyageurs Wolf Project is an organization based out of the University of Minnesota.

"They state that they are focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem in Minnesota with a goal to couple cutting-edge, rigorous wolf research with highly-effective, entertaining, and engaging outreach and education.

More specifically they explain they want to understand the predation behavior and reproductive ecology (e.g., number of pups born, where wolves have dens, etc) of wolves during the summer."

If you have never been able to experience the wonder of Minnesota's backwoods, lakes, and trails, I suggest you put that on your bucket list.

To quote Minnesota author Sigurd F. Olson, “Wilderness to the people of America is a spiritual necessity, an antidote to the high pressure of modern life, a means of regaining serenity and equilibrium.”


5 Amazing Mansions Worth Millions For Sale In Minnesota

According to Zillow these are the Top 5 Luxury Homes you can find around Minnesota. All you have to do is have a few million bucks to invest in living the high life. I'm sure some financing is available.

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