First of all, it is important to note that there have been no reports of measles in South Dakota. In fact, the last reported case was in 2015. There have, however, been approximately 20 cases of measles reported in Minnesota and the last time measles was noted in Iowa was in 2019.

As of January 5, 2023, 118 measles cases had been reported across the country. But here's the thing - Measles were considered an "eradicated" disease for decades! Completely non-existent on our continent!

It was something in our rearview mirror, a faint memory of a malady with cold and flu-like symptoms, along with an itchy rash and spots. Oh, the spots!

For some of us of a certain age measles, mumps, and chickenpox were something we lived through, then got vaccinated for, and promptly left in our past. But these diseases are making a return and we need to be on guard for them.

Measles is highly contagious and can be deadly. Symptoms include - -a  fever, cough, runny nose, congestion, red, watery eyes, and of course - - the rash.

Sioux Falls pediatricians advise parents to:

  • Make sure your kids are all caught up on vaccines
  • Keep your child home if they are sick. Your child should be "fever-free for 24 hours" before they return to school or daycare.

Source: Sioux Falls Simplified, South Dakota Department of Health, Iowa Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Do You Remember These 10 Crazy Snowstorms In South Dakota?

Here's some news that some South Dakotans prefer not to hear this time of year. Winter is coming. In denial? The dropping temperatures and early snowstorms out west by Deadwood speak for themselves.

Slowly but surely, people of the Sioux Empire are bracing for colder weather and snow-covered roads. Even though snow will soon be gracing the Sioux Empire with its presence, some snow showers will not compare to these ten dreadful snowstorms that hit South Dakota.

Only In Your State highlights these ten snowstorms in South Dakota as a reminder for people to always be aware of the roads during the winter. These South Dakotan winters can be harsh, which is why it is always a good idea to plan ahead and prepare for the worst.

Do you remember any major snowstorms that hit South Dakota?

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