2024’s Best Firework Names in Sioux Falls Area
Every year, at least half of the fun of buying fireworks for your big Independence Day bash is mounting the quest to select the projectiles with the best names.
Here are the early favorites for the funniest and weirdest in the greater Sioux Falls area for 2024.
See something noteworthy on your fireworks shipping trip? Snap a photo and share it on our Facebook page!
Happy wife, happy life. Angry wife? Hide the explosives.
Either way someone's at risk of getting blown up.
Just make sure you bring enough fireworks to share.
Did you know that Purple squirrel is a term used by employment recruiters to describe a job candidate with precisely the right education, set of experience, and range of qualifications that perfectly fits a job's requirements? Me neither. Not sure what that has to do with fireworks.
If it wasn't seedless before, it will be after you light the fuse.
If you had 2024 as the year the blonde jokes finally stopped, try again in 2025.
When you don't want to interrupt your 4th of July festivities to find out the sex of your next kid.
This year's 'Truth in Advertising' winner.
Don't rub your eyes after handling this one.
Pass the egg nog.
Not sure I want to know what this one smells like.
Margaritas sold separately.
Make sure you remind everyone that you're 'holding this one for a friend'.
It hurts just as much as getting hit with a bottle rocket.
The perfect one to unleash on the guests who can't take the hint that it's time to leave.

Not sure what a GTX 3300 is, but it looks like it's angry.
This one has a question, but no answer.
I don't remember reading about him in my history books.
This one just said 'Thumper'. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
If this is the best offer you get this 4th of July, you probably need to re-examine your life choices.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July!
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