National Executive Director of High School Associations Explains Position on Fall Sports
The uncertainty of Fall sports for high school athletes continues to be a major issue across the United State during the COVID-19 pandemic.
From the national level to the local level, administrators are trying to find the best and most safe path back to sports in an unprecedented time.
The Executive Director of the National Federation for High School Associations Karissa Niehoff is one of the most influential people in all of the high school sports and is a great asset for state associations during this tough time.
The National Federation for High School Associations is the national resource for state high school associations across this country and they take the majority of their guidelines and procedures from this organization.
Executive Director Niehoff joined me on Overtime to discuss the major hurdles they still need to overcome as well as some of the plans they will implement this Fall.
Clearly there is still a lot up in the air and it will be different in each state depending on how the virus is currently spreading.
Uniformity is going to be something people are going to have to be getting used to not having as the norm and somethings may not be fair but ultimately will have safety as the #1 priority which needs to be the case.
Furthermore, it was refreshing to hear those they are taking advice from are medical officials and administrators and not politicians.
It was also nice to hear the kind words the Executive Director had to say about the South Dakota High School Acidity Association Director Dan Swartos who is someone in our state that has helped lead through this trying time.
One thing is very evident through all of these conversations about the future of Fall sports, the average person must do their job to wear a mask, social distance and respect the virus or sports for high school athletes not only his Fall but for the foreseeable future could be in jeopardy until we do.
For more information on the National Federation for High School Associations and updates on COVID-19 procedures, you can visit their website.