Sioux Falls Food Drive This Friday (12/4)
These are challenging times for many families. Food insecurity is growing in the country and even right here in the Sioux Falls area. On Friday, December 4, 2020, another Faith Temple Food Giveaway will take place in Sioux Falls to help those in need.
Faith Temple Church has been holding giveaways on nearly every Friday since 2009 from the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds. Over 9,000,000 meals and over 1,000,000 people have been fed since the giveaway began. Food isn't the only thing given away. Socks, oral, and personal care items are also available to those who need them.
Anyone is welcome to attend the giveaway and it doesn't matter if the food is for you or a neighbor. There is no limit to the number of times you are able to attend the giveaways. You do, however, need to be over 18 to receive food.
The location for the Faith Temple Food Giveaway is at the Nordstrom-Johnson Building on the fairgrounds. Use the north entrance to the fairgrounds off of Madison Street.
Hours are 4 pm until 6 pm or until 600 guests have been served, whichever happens first.
If you miss this Friday's giveaway, don't worry there are two more in December, one on the 11th and the other on the 18th. There will be no giveaway on December 25 in observance of Christmas.

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