North Dakota Increases Non-Resident Deer Licenses in 2019
If deer hunting is your thing our neighbors to the north are rolling out the welcome mat. Officials with the North Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department have made the decision to issue over 600 out of state bow hunting deer licenses this year.
Applicants must apply online at the Game and Fish website. The deadline is March 1st.
Want to go with your buddies? Up to five hunters can apply together as a party. A lottery will be held if more applications are received than there are licenses available. Any remaining licenses after March 1 will be issued on a first-come, first served basis.
The number of licenses for out of state bow hunters has increased by fifteen percent since last year. The price for a deer bow license is $250.00 A non-resident deer gun license is $306.00
The website describes the average mule deer in North Dakota. "Averages 39 inches at the shoulder (range 30-42 inches). Bucks average 170 pounds (range 125-330 pounds); does average 140 pounds (range 110-210 pounds)."
A description of a white-tailed deer is also provided by the North Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department: "Averages 36 inches at the shoulder (range 30-40 inches). Bucks average 170 pounds (range 100-330 pounds); does average 130 pounds (range 90-210 pounds)."
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