Presidents Bowl to Feature Appreciation Hall of Fame Ceremony
Prior to the start of the final game of Presidents Bowl at Howard Wood Field, the Sioux Falls School District will honor three people into the Appreciation Hall of Fame.
The Sioux Falls School District started the "Appreciation Hall of Fame" back in 1978. People are inducted based on their contributions to athletics for the three Sioux Falls public high schools.
This year's inductees are Bob, Sandy, and Jeff Portice.
Prior inductees include:
1978-Dr. Paul Regan; 1979-Jim Burt, Danny Olson, Doug Evans; 1980-“Fat” Eleeson, Bob Simpson; 1981-Jim Ashley; 1982-C.R. Beck, Herb Qualset; 1983-Wayne Pritchard; 1984-Harvey Gildemeister; 1985-Polly Girton, Doris Larson; 1986-Fred Claudon, Forrest Lothrop, Walt & Mary Bierman; 1987-Fred Kohoutek, Bob Wood; 1988-Wayne Scott, Sarah Trish; 1989-John Egan, Rolly Rundell; 1990-Joe Gunderson, Veva Lothrop; 1991-Joe Ward; 1992-Bob Johnson; 1993-Wayne Rausch; 1994-Don Honkamp; 1995-John Norberg; 1996-Charlie Childerston, John Landegent; 1997-John Hillgren; 1998-Dr. Donald Schellpfeffer; 1999-Arlyn Thomas; 2000-Floyd Farrand; 2001-Vern Schlekeway; 2001-Lucy Lindskov; 2002-Steve Hauff, 2003-Barb Ernster, 2004-Karlene Boelter; 2004-Dr. Robert & Marilyn Van Demark; 2005-Gordon Niedan; 2005-Richard “R.A.” Hansen; 2006-Pat Baxter, 2006-Rich Hanson, 2007-Pam Boehm, 2008-Linda Weber, Lyle Farrand, Dean Mann, Dennis Thompson, Jerry Miller; 2008-09-Dick Brook, Larry Lundeen, Jean Eidsness, Jackie Hanthorn; 2009-10-Brent DeBoer, Char Swenson, Randy Johnson; 2010-11-Scott Bakken, Boyd Bowers, Scott Roggenbuck, Twyla Smith, Sharon Bultje, Mary Remmark, Val Beckstrand; 2011-12 Kelby Krabbenhoft, Bob Carlson, Dan Carlson, Doug Timm; 2012-13 Dana Dykhouse, Jacque Rasmussen; 2013-14 Roxie Schlemmer; 2014-15 Gary Burley, Kim Maass, Kevin Kennedy; 2015-16 Linda Hengeveld, Jason Lueth, Doug Rinken, Linda Conrad, Mike Midtaune, Judi Hedrick, Steve Sivertson, Marlene Stinger and Carol Shade.
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